Pearly Whites!!!
I am a child saved by grace, wife to an amazing husband and mama to five precious kids. I am blessed beyond my imagination.
I haven't had a chance to post or comment much lately. We are in full move mode. As I write this I am trapped in my parents room. The carpet guy is right outside the door. We had to get new carpet for Bella to crawl around on. It's the same carpet that we had installed in our house just this past December just in a different color. We have just about finished the kids rooms, they just need crown molding and base boards. My house is another story. There is stuff everywhere. Our closing date is April 2nd. I am ready for the week to be over and to be settled in. The kids are excited, but restless. Anyhow I am going to wrap this up because I must go check on the carpet.
Aid is my older cousin and she is great! The following are just some reasons I love her. I wish I could find a picture of her to post but I can't so you'll just have to imagine her. She is pretty and funny and that's all I can say. I am not very descriptive. She taught me to make ice cream with my bike flipped upside down using the pedals in our front yard. She put me in a suitcase with the afghan my grandma made zipped it up and carried me around the house. She put me in the dryer, shut it and would not let me out. She had a slip and slide. She took me for bike rides through these cool trials behind her Grandma's house. She married me to our neighbor boy Darrell in our back yard. She taught me to make a boat out of our couch cushions and we played for hours. She taught me to squish berries on the ground and picnic table and track the gooeyness on the carpet, and then she even let me take the blame. She once crawled onto the roof of our old pastors garage to get a doll named Frances, then one of his son's took the ladder away and she pleaded for a great deal of the afternoon for the ladder back. She took me to the park behind my house to teach me to drive. She didn't even yell that much when I had her escort up on two wheels. She had a dog named Gypsy that she called Bubbers. One day she pushed Bubbers off the top bunk to see if she could fly, she could not. She's good but even she couldn't teach me to make mac'n'cheese. I don't hold this against her. She flew off our trampoline head first. All I saw from the pool was feet in the air and a very loud aaahhhhhh! I appreciate this for the laugh I still have to this day thinking about it. She let me come up north with her all the time. I loved it up there. She got to go to youth camp so I did too! She loves the story about her sister sitting on her etch a sketch and breaking it as much as I do. She let me move in with her when I was completely lost on my own. She endured a 10 hour car ride to Tennessee with Me, Chad and my kids. I am not even sure how this is possible. She moved in with me and didn't ever yell at me when Tristin ran all over the place screaming while she was sleeping. I did run behind him trying to shush him. It didn't work for long. She was my matron of honor in my real wedding. She loves my kids. She is thoughtful. She picks out everyone the most perfect gifts, because she is thoughtful. She helps everyone. She is beautiful. I always wanted to be her!
Today was one of those can't get any better days! Kaitlynne came home today, then even better than that she had a half day. We didn't do anything but enjoy the beautiful weather. We took Tristin outside to play before his sister came home. When she got home they went out and played. A few minutes later Kaitlynne's friend from down the street came over. We took them to the park at their school across the street. They played there for an hour or longer then we all went for a walk. The kids loved the weather, I loved them out of the house. They added another girl to the mix. They played until the chicken on the barbie was ready. Then we all came in and ate dinner and talked about the day. They all took baths and are tucked snuggly in their beds! I love this life. I love being a mom and all the days of endless summer fun! I can't wait. I hate the school year. I love when all my kids are with me all day. Kaitlynne just found out that she gets to go to her friend Destiny's play this weekend. She can't wait, she loves Destiny and her theater performances. I am so excited for her, she is growing up but it's okay. I think God lets them grow up little bits at a time. I love how smart he is. Oh and did I mention that we got a good solid offer on out house today? If all is well then we could be moving in about 2-3 weeks. We are all excited. Psalms 30:5 ...Rejoicing comes in the morning
Psalms 86:13 For great is your love toward me... We all know how much I love my kids. They all have their own special traits. Kaitlynne is genuinely sweet - all the time. She loves her siblings, listens the first time (usually) and easily does well in school. She is always creative, scrap booking and crafting. She is just a pleasure to have for a daughter. Bella is the perfect baby. She never cries, even when I pinch her. She smiles on command. She is very tolerant; yelling kids, being poked in the eye. Always just responds with a smile. I am blessed to have her. Unless things really change I don't ever see her being anything but a joy. Tristin, well this is where it gets a little tricky. He is funny, loves his sisters and??? Okay so the rest is all mischievous curiosity. He ALWAYS tests us to see how far he can take something. Sneaks and gets into things when we think he is behaving, like the time we were unloading groceries and he went into the bathroom, shut the door and painted the entire bathroom with cornstarch. This was very funny to everyone, we couldn't be angry because we didn't ensure that he had something productive to do. We gave him a stern warning, sent him off to his room, went to the living room and laughed. This is nothing unusual. Tonight we were out and he insisted on taking off both of his shirts, claiming he was hot. I demanded he put at least one of them back on, wrestled with him a little and enjoyed the rest of our evening. Well that is until he decided to rough up his sister - the one who minutes before was his blest fliend (best friend). And then he, and then, and then. He is always pushing it. Always. If he doesn't want to do something you can bet it is going to be a huge battle. He is never going to win, but he makes us work for our authority. Yet after all this I tell him all day long he is special, amazing and we are blessed to have him for a son. If I could change anything about him, I wouldn't. I adore him. This has got me to thinking...I am positive that God gives us a special compassion for our difficult children. This then led me to think, if we are made in God’s perfect image then how much more he must love us. Good, bad, sweet, nasty, pure heart or hard heart. He loves us all the same. When I feel unworthy of his love, of the gift of his son I always remember Tristin. Even when I am more difficult than I should be or directly defiant God just wants me to submit to him. To come back and try to be better next time. I should be able to do this, it shouldn't be hard. Sometimes it is though. I have to constantly shift my perspective back to God being God and me being me. Imperfect, not always nice, harsh and abrupt. This is why I am Amber and not God. I am reminded of King David and his many failures and yet he is called a man after God's heart. God help me to follow you, to submit to you and to thank you for all the many lessons you teach me everyday. I love you.
Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches...