Thank You!

I have been sick for ever or at least it feels that way. My poor husband has had to pick up the slack. He has cooked, cleaned, grocery shopped, done laundry and taken care of the kids on top of going to work. I appreciate this. I am exhausted with being exhausted. With lying on the couch, puking, group B strep and UTI's. I hurt and I can't stop throwing up or dry heaving. The doctor wrote me a prescription for some sort of anti nausea medicine. It worked pretty well the first couple days, made me exhausted but helped with the vomiting. Today I woke up throwing up followed by dry heaving and then repeated it. Walked Katy across the street to school and began dry heaving again, she looked completely embarrassed. I couldn't blame her I was embarrassed too, hunkered over the snow repeatedly gagging. All the poor girls’ friends passing by looking at both of us like they were embarrassed for us. She kissed me ran away in horror. What a start to the day. I can't risk going out for the sake of my family's pride. I wouldn't do this to them. To this add the fact that if I stand or sit for longer than like five seconds I feel sick. I would love to clean my house. This is what I do, it makes me happy. Sickly I really enjoy cleaning. It's fun and makes me feel good.
I am posting this to express my frustration in some way other than moaning. But more so to thank Chad and all the husbands that pick up the slack when we wives fall apart. The house looks great, he made us tacos, not a piece of laundry on the floor (he has even taken the covers off the couch, loveseat and chair and washed them). I would have never even thought of that. He has done an incredible job. So this post is a thank you to him. He has turned out to be an even better husband than I could have hoped for.
Thank you God for your gift of my spouse.
Love must be sincere...
Romans 12:9
Yeah, Chad! Now you get a raise. I know you are always telling Amber that, but it's your turn. It's one of those raises that you get in Heaven though, so you'll have to wait for that one! You are a great husband to our daughter. We could not have asked for more!
Since Chad directly contributed to the cause of your puke-a-rama I think it's only fitting he helps with the cleaning!
Seriously, he's a man to be treasured, and I'm sure you already do. What a mighty fine man! Does he do windows?
Did you say tacos! HA I feel your pain I must clean or I don't feel right I guess only you and I understand that. Chad is a great Husband and great with the kids. You will feel better soon!
go chad!
feel better soon!
I know even the famous tacos, he's always such an over acheiver. I know I'll feel better soon, it just feels like soon is a long time away!
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