Monday, March 31, 2008

Love It!

I ordered this baby sling the other day! I love it! It is called a Baby K'Tan. It is made of soft cotton. It never hurts my shoulders because I can spread the fabric down all the way around my shoulder (the shoulder straps are actually supposed to go over her shoulders as well, I am not sure why they aren't over her shoulders in these pics). Hudsyn loves it, she can go from being very mellow in her swing to ecstatic when I put her in it. She kicks her arms and feet and squawks in excitement. I had to take her out of the gym at a talent show at K's school because she was so excited. If you are looking for a way to carry your baby and still get things accomplished this is the way to go!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Ramblings

Today we're getting a late start. Thursday and Friday night we had K's friend Courtney over and Grace too! We watched was super cute! We ate pizza and popcorn and Easter candy. Gracie's Mom works nights and we have been and are going to be keeping her on the weekend nights! We have been having so much fun! I have to say that I am ready for spring to show it's face around these parts. When I woke up yesterday morning we had a couple inches of snow. I tried to enjoy the beauty of it falling and remind myself and my kids how pretty freshly fallen snow is. However it is getting difficult. I want sun and bike rides and flowers, I am ready for bubbles and sidewalk chalk. With that being said, I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day! I checked the forecast and we're supposed to have weather in the 40's and 50's for the next ten days! I can't wait!!! Spring, to me, is a time of life and new beginnings. This winter has been particularly hard for our family with the passing of my Mother. I am ready for the new life and new beginnings. I am ready for God to open up the windows of heaven and pour spring into my semi-numb soul! Let me say now that I am okay, there are just places in my heart I haven't ventured to since her passing. I deal with them a little each day. It will no doubt take time but my Dad, my kids and myself will heal. There will always be a spot in my heart that misses her but I will heal in Jesus name.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Pics!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper Girl!

Sweet Bella
1. In the car when her Hudsy cries she says don't cry, it's a-k.
2. She loves to gently kiss her head.
3. When I lay out a big blanket she lays down next to her and talks to her.
4. She likes to help sweep and clean up.
5. She likes to help give Hudsy a bath!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Green Day!

This pic is K at school today eating her green pancakes! Her teacher invited me to come help so I took a few pics between mixing green batter and pouring syrup! She has such fun teachers!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring Thing

I spotted these outside my house a few days ago! Spring is in the air!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Easter Dress Practice

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yesterday we were all in the car and there was a huge truck behind us. Chad told T look at that truck and he turns around and says in a high pitched voice "That's supafly yo"! Then a few seconds later he says look there's a taxi on the GPS. He also was playing at the table with his cars and started dabating the horsepower each one had. He is four where does he come up with this stuff? He loves to test out things he hears other people say. Then he covers his mouth and says OOPS to check and see if it okay and not get into trouble at the same time. He is so funny. I love him!
In other news I signed T and Grace up for T ball and my girlfriend Karen's daughter C is playing too! They will all be on the same team! We will all have so much fun! I can't wait! I love t-ball time! T has been waiting for like three years to play, he finally gets to! I wonder what he will be like once it starts. I will let you know in about a month and a half!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March in Michigan

Last night we declared today a family snow day. We knew the snow was coming. I was sure school would be cancelled. At 4:45 this morning the phone rang. I knew the number it was a phone tree from K's school to let us know it was an official snow day! We took advantage of what we hope will be the last snow of the winter. I made blueberry muffins and hot chocolate for breakfast and then we bundled up the oldest three kids. They played on their swingset, kicked around a soccer ball and made snow angles. I brought Bell in and the other two followed. They had another cup of hot chocolate and went right back out. Chad was making them a sledding slope. They got out their sleds and went down over and over. My Dad came over and saw the hill and informed me that it will still be there in June! The incline on their hill was a bit much causing them to slam into the garage every time they went down. They thought that was hilarious. We had a wonderful snow day and I am thankful for the memories made today! I am posting some pics of them playing in the snow!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

T, Pie and Bell

T - trying to make a sad face through the laughter! Hudsyn - known in our home as Pie. As in sweet as pie! Bell - If you look close enough her lips are blue. She ate the blue marker after she colored her entire left arm K was at school!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Again with the randon placement of pictures! No matter how many times I move them around they still aren't in any sort of order.