Saturday Ramblings
Today we're getting a late start. Thursday and Friday night we had K's friend Courtney over and Grace too! We watched was super cute! We ate pizza and popcorn and Easter candy. Gracie's Mom works nights and we have been and are going to be keeping her on the weekend nights! We have been having so much fun! I have to say that I am ready for spring to show it's face around these parts. When I woke up yesterday morning we had a couple inches of snow. I tried to enjoy the beauty of it falling and remind myself and my kids how pretty freshly fallen snow is. However it is getting difficult. I want sun and bike rides and flowers, I am ready for bubbles and sidewalk chalk. With that being said, I woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny day! I checked the forecast and we're supposed to have weather in the 40's and 50's for the next ten days! I can't wait!!! Spring, to me, is a time of life and new beginnings. This winter has been particularly hard for our family with the passing of my Mother. I am ready for the new life and new beginnings. I am ready for God to open up the windows of heaven and pour spring into my semi-numb soul! Let me say now that I am okay, there are just places in my heart I haven't ventured to since her passing. I deal with them a little each day. It will no doubt take time but my Dad, my kids and myself will heal. There will always be a spot in my heart that misses her but I will heal in Jesus name.
You will heal Amber, God has given you the family you have to help you with that process. And the most wonderful, joyous news is that you'll see your Mom again!
Yes, Amber you will heal and the joy those babies bring to your life everyday will help.
I was thinking of your Mom just this morning, I think of her often
and I know she is Praising the Lord right now!
Yes, you will me, I've lived through it.
Give yourself a year to get through all the "firsts" without your mom. For me, the first Mother's Day was the hardest, but everyone is different.
My heart goes out to you.
When the tears well up, let them flow. It's part of the healing process. I really like the new look to the blog. It's so warm and rich, very soothing and comforting.
Love You, Debbie
take it one day at a time...I was your age when my mom passed; I just know that the rest of your life will be filled with precious memories of your mom and you will keep her love alive by sharing her with your children...
thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving the prayer request...the readership is growing every day. Thank the Lord..we need people praying.
once my shoulder is fully healed, I will be able to spend more time on the computer time is limited now.
hugs to you and
your beautiful family
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