Thursday, July 26, 2007


The above pictures have nothing to do with my post as usual but I thought I would share them just the same. And yes that is a picture of my son dancing in a dress with K's satin P.J. pants on his head. I will be sure to save this for his graduation party poster!
You have to scroll down forever to get to my post. Sorry Blogger will not let me move the pic's an inch or pull my post up.
So I was wondering if any of you have any great recipes? I have never cooked more than two nights a week, we always have went out to dinner. Now that Bell is getting bigger and we are having Hudsyn it is getting too hard to go out to eat and expensive. I have about 10 to 15 recipes that I make all the time but I was checking to see if any of you had any tried and true family favorites. We eat pretty much any kind of food but seafood. I would really appreciate any suggestions...Thanks!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bell Bell

Bell Bell is starting to walk! We are all so excited!! Today she started walking from one side of the living room to the other. Exciting and sad all at the same time. She is, however, over 13 months old and walking 4 months later than T and 3 months later than K. She is a very relaxed girl and I love that about her! She has also gotten two new teeth this week! Bringing her total to six! Just a quick little update :} I haven't posted much lately because my laptop crashed and I don't really like using my desktop being that it is set up on a storage bin? We should man a hunt for a new desk!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer Vacation

Above: Bell kissing a carebear on command, although she refuses to kiss me! We were supposed to go camping two weekends ago. We decided we did not feel like going and instead used our camping money to buy the kids a pool. It's one of those Intex ones it's only 3'x12' but it has been great! We have had a great time in it together. If you should know any one thing about me it's how much I love to swim! I could stay in the water all day. Yesterday Chad had to drag me out after everyone else got out :) Chad has been off for almost 3 weeks, he's only had to work one time. It's shutdown at Ford and that means less work at the railroad. This coupled with three vacation days strategically placed means a wonderful vacation right in the middle of summer. We have never worked shut down like this. We have had the greatest summer I can remember, doing nothing never felt so good! On the brink of a major change, having a new baby in October and one that turned one last month plus the older two, I am very thankful to have so much time to relax. God meets our needs when we don't even realize we have need of things! What an amazing God!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer Fun Pics!

I'm not sure why they posted this way but it'll have to do!!! Blogger wont let me move them around any more.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Potty Training

So sometime in the last few days I decided that it was time for T to potty train. Enough of this garbage about them "just doing it" when they are ready. He had decided he would not to be ready ever. So Thursday night the pull-up fairy came and took the pull-ups and left a dollar. T was so excited that he had a dollar when he woke up. Then he ran through the house and checked everywhere a pull-up could hide and then resorted to crying. He was very upset they were gone. He said he wanted to keep putting all his pee in his pull-ups. For at least three months he has stayed dry all night but he will not potty in the toilet because he does not want to. So all day Friday he peed in his underwear. He said he he thought if he peed in them all day I would go buy him more pull-ups. He peed so much that he ended up sleeping in his sisters unders, we ran out of unders for him. The next day was better and so on. By today he didn't have any pee accidents!!! The best part was that we ran around quite a bit and every time we came or left a store his Daddy would tell him how fun it would be to check out the bathroom. That prevented any accidents. We still have to tell him every half an hour or so to go and escort him and sometimes drag him but we are getting there. He pooped in his unders once today and the next time he took them off and went on the floor in his play area but that means he's getting the concept and no longer likes the feeling!!! I am thrilled. He gets to go to preschool this year and that will be a welcome break with a one year old and an infant. It's only two and a half hours, four days a week but I think it will be great for him! I know I will be sad and he will grow so much in a year but that's what happens as they grow older. Anyhow for now we are celebrating the milestone of potty training. I could bake a cake and throw a party I am so happy, but that may be pushing it!!!
P.S. I have potty training pics that I could post but I don't think any of you should have to see them!