Friday, March 16, 2007

Houston, We Have a Problem

I was just about to put the kids in bed when they asked if they could play for five minutes before bed. I said sure, what's five minutes any how? So K came out a few minutes later with breasts. I was puzzled??? Me: Uh, whatcha doin honey? Her: I'm playing. Me: what are you playing? Her: princess. Me: oh. Her: ear to ear grin. Me: what's in your jammies? Her: socks. Me: I see that. Her: ear to eat grin. Me: why? Her: I already told you, I'm being a princess, how's my hair look. Me: great, now take out the socks and go get into bed. I am not usually so short. I was just horrified, I had never thought of this day. We've talked about periods and boys and even getting breasts, just never stuffing jammies at the age of seven. After a minute or so the horror wore off and I laughed realizing why she had just done this. She went to her friend’s play of Beauty and the Beast tonight. Duh, it should have clicked sooner. I was just shocked to see her like that. I thought I would handle the teenage years fine and I'm sure I will as long as she doesn't walk into her bedroom a little girl and walk right back out looking like that. I have this feeling that at least one of you is going to say she will. I am not as okay with her growing up as I thought I was. Reality hurts. Above picture is her when she was four. Tomorrow she will learn all about the breastplate of righteousness!


At March 17, 2007 at 8:40 AM , Blogger Sara said...

oh my gosh! this cracked me up! am, you're a hoot. and i fear your daughter is following her her mother's footsteps...goofy! as long as tristan doesn't follow suite; it's all good. xos

At March 17, 2007 at 9:34 AM , Blogger Amber Land said...

I was so sure he would walk out two seconds later just like her, he wears her dresses, she puts make up on him and he loves high heeled dress up shoes! yikes.

At March 17, 2007 at 12:40 PM , Blogger Amber Land said...

More bad news, I just talked to my girlfriend about this and she said that none of the princesses in the play had breasts. Where did this come from???

At March 17, 2007 at 2:48 PM , Blogger Pat said...

You crack me up!
Who said parenting is easy?!

At March 17, 2007 at 11:11 PM , Blogger Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

You are definitely "paying for your raising". Too funny. Me and dad are still laughing!

At March 18, 2007 at 11:27 AM , Blogger Debra said...

Laughter doeth good like a medicene. The Lord knew you needed a good dose to give you strength. So he used the little vessels right there with you 24/7, to surprise you with the unexpected that isn't always on the negative side. Attention getter, yes. As to where it comes from, just the innocence of child play. You are used to Tristen doing the unexpected, so when Kaitlynne did it, it throw you for a loop.

At March 18, 2007 at 7:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Am, I just started reading your blogs....they either give me tears, or make me laugh. How does it feel being head ringmaster at Circus De Fultz? Because when i read your blogs, it seriously seems like a 3 ring circus....this weeks freak show...7 year old with c-cups......whats it going to be next week? Bella sprouts pink wings and flies around the house?? I wouldnt put anything past your kids!

At March 18, 2007 at 8:35 PM , Blogger Amber Land said...

Aid, I think you are right three ring circus is the best way to describe my house. Wanna come visit??? I'll let them tie you up for a change!

At March 18, 2007 at 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really needed a laugh after this very long weekend. Thanks for clearing up the fact that my daughter didn't teach yours that trick.HA!

Ps. You better hope that "K" doesn't read this later in life she will hurt you. HA!

At March 18, 2007 at 10:23 PM , Blogger Amber Land said...

She was already trying to read it. Is there a way to delete right after everyone has read it? Just kidding!


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