Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bedroom Makeovers

I mentioned in my last post that I love Kait's new room. I love it but she hasn't seen it yet. She has been at her Dad's. We thought it would be less chaotic for her if we did it while she was gone. She comes home today after school. I can't wait for her to see it, she's going to love it. This is her third room change since we moved in mid November. This will be her last. It is the smallest room in the house, maybe even in the world. She is the only person in the whole house that doesn't have a rooming buddy. So by default she gets the small room. Chad and I moved to her old room, it is much bigger as well as hot pink. Today it is getting a paint job. Thank God. The pink is bright enough to light a cave. Tristin and Greysen's room is done as well. It may be my very favorite room in the house. It is so cute, when we buy Greysen's crib I will post pics of that room. We haven't bought the crib yet because I can't find the right cherry to match T's bed and if I order it from the same people we got the other kids beds from we may have to use our entire tax return! For the first couple of months he will sleep in his bassinet in our room. I really do need to start looking for one to match though. Anyhow that is our bedroom update situation. I know you were all just dying to know.
I went to my appointment yesterday and surprisingly everything was good still. No sign of him coming in the next few days. I will be 37 weeks on Friday. I don't expect to see any action before that. I am still not dilated and he seems to be happy in there now. The longer he cooks the happier he will be. In the beginning of my pregnancy they said they were going to induce me at 39 weeks. I am not sure if that still is the case or not but I know that God knows what baby Grey's birthday will be and that is all I need to know. I will try to keep you updated but as for now don't expect much change!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Few of my Favorite Things

1. The way Hudsyn backs up to me and sits in my lap.
2. Bell's imaginative play.
3. Kaitlynne's new room!!!
4. Reading to Tristin
5. The way my husband knows me well enough to grab the kids and get out of the way when I go into a cleaning frenzy.
6. Baby wearing.
7. Greysen, can't wait to meet him.
8. My huge van.
9. Spending quality time with my kids.
10. Homeschooling

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just a quick post to let you know that as of tomorrow I will have made it to 36 weeks! I have my next appointment on Monday, I will post then and let you know what they say!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby News

I have been a crummy blogger lately. I have barely even checked other peoples blogs. I have been busy preparing for the baby, doing school and working through some insane contractions. I went to the Doctors a week ago Monday I was 5 days away from being 34 weeks. When she examined me she felt his head at about the lowest position it could be and begged me not to go into labor until at least 34 weeks. At 34 weeks they no longer stop your labor. She said I would have to go through very unpleasant procedures if I went into labor before then. Despite frequent and painful contractions I made it through. I went in this past Monday and I am still not dilated but my cervix is soft. He said if I can make it to 36 weeks they will welcome me with open arms. The baby should be well enough that there is a good chance he could come home with us at that point. He was a little upset I hadn't went to L&D triage during the contractions. He kept telling us that every woman who has ever delivered in her bathroom with 20 EMS guys watching said the same thing I kept saying, "it can't be real labor". I will insert here that I am obviously right because I am still pregnant. I did get the point though. I may be a little less reluctant to go next time I start having strong, regular contractions. In other news, we have decided to change the baby's name to Greysen Johnny. Greysen is my favorite boys name and Johnny is after Chad's dad. He has already been given the nickname baby Grey. Anyhow I will try to do better keeping you posted!