Amber Land
I am a child saved by grace, wife to an amazing husband and mama to five precious kids. I am blessed beyond my imagination.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Curious Boy
So I have come to realize that I need a clone. I am guessing if there were two of me I would have prevented my precious boy from sticking a piece of his Diego building blocks down our toilet. Then my husband wouldn't have had to spend his one day off pulling up the toilet and snaking it out! I called a plumber out thinking someone had stuffed diaper wipes down it. The plumber says no there is something plastic in it. I think it is a toy. T says oh yeah, I did put a toy in there. That's my boy! No surprise that he did that, add it to his resume. He is always doing something to satisfy his curiosity.
There was the time when he was probably just about three and he came and told me he was going to open the dinosaur eggs to see what's in them. He was watching Diego's Dinosaur Rescue, so I thought he was using his imagination. He came into to the bathroom a couple times and told (where I was trying to take a shower) and it clicked with me. I jumped out, ran to the living room only to find raw eggs all over our carpet, the refrigerator door wide open with a chair in front of it and my new 18 pack of eggs gone.
I told my girlfriend that I need to give him specifics as to what he can and can not do. She said "I am almost afraid for you to tell him anything to give him any ideas". It made me laugh knowing how well she knows him. On second thought, she's probably right. I better not.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Beds for my Monkeys!
We were going to put bunk beds in lay away for our kids. We needed three sets, we knew we were going to spend quite a bit because of quantity. We wanted to get beds that they can take with them when they grow up and move out. My Dad mentioned that we should go to a local furniture store that he always buys from. We went and checked them out. We were going to put them in lay away. My Dad said he would buy them for us. Let me just say now that it was a very, very generous gift! Thanks Dad (one day I should post a blog about all the great stuff my Dad gets for us, like my new Cannon Rebel)! So we went and special ordered the ones we wanted. We got the girls these ones the ones we ordered have four drawers and a small bookshelf underneath. We ordered two sets of them so when Hudsyn moves into a bed she will have one waiting, and Grace will have her own bed to sleep in. I want her to feel comfortable when she stays the night and sleeping with someone else isn't that comfy. We ordered Tristin this one his has the same under bed drawers that the girls have! We ordered him the twin over full so overnight guests, like my in-laws will have a place to sleep. My father in law usually sleeps on the couch and my mother in law on the love seat. They are always so gracious and say we are just glad to be staying with you. Also that way Tristin can have a full size bed when he is older. I am sure he will be bigger than my girls. I have to say I am really excited to get them. If you know me at all you know I hate to wait. I am also waiting on all the bedding that we ordered. All of this waiting is killing me. Tonight we went to Target and picked up the 14 pillows and six waterproof mattress covers that we needed. We seem to have an issue with nighttime bed wetting with the four year olds, they fall into a deep sleep and occasionally wet the bed. I am also a little bummed though because Bell will be moving to a big girl bed. She is growing up so fast. I will post pics when we get the new beds! Update: When I got home from picking K up from school, T's bedding had delivered. We opened it up and everything was perfect, the bedding for the bottom bunk was even better than it looked like on the internet. The sets do not have the same design. The bedding for the top is a camping quilt with a bear and paw prints and the bottom set is a plad comforter. They looked like they could go together but not exactly match (they are both made by Woolrich Kids). When we opened them they were a perfect match! I love them! On the down side I now have to wash the six sets of sheets (you can never have too many) for his beds and the comforter set, which should prove to be a challenge! I hope I get can get them done before the girls bedding comes in!