So sometime in the last few days I decided that it was time for T to potty train. Enough of this garbage about them "just doing it" when they are ready. He had decided he would not to be ready ever. So Thursday night the pull-up fairy came and took the pull-ups and left a dollar. T was so excited that he had a dollar when he woke up. Then he ran through the house and checked everywhere a pull-up could hide and then resorted to crying. He was very upset they were gone. He said he wanted to keep putting all his pee in his pull-ups. For at least three months he has stayed dry all night but he will not potty in the toilet because he does not want to. So all day Friday he peed in his underwear. He said he he thought if he peed in them all day I would go buy him more pull-ups. He peed so much that he ended up sleeping in his sisters unders, we ran out of unders for him. The next day was better and so on. By today he didn't have any pee accidents!!! The best part was that we ran around quite a bit and every time we came or left a store his Daddy would tell him how fun it would be to check out the bathroom. That prevented any accidents. We still have to tell him every half an hour or so to go and escort him and sometimes drag him but we are getting there. He pooped in his unders once today and the next time he took them off and went on the floor in his play area but that means he's getting the concept and no longer likes the feeling!!! I am thrilled. He gets to go to preschool this year and that will be a welcome break with a one year old and an infant. It's only two and a half hours, four days a week but I think it will be great for him! I know I will be sad and he will grow so much in a year but that's what happens as they grow older. Anyhow for now we are celebrating the milestone of potty training. I could bake a cake and throw a party I am so happy, but that may be pushing it!!!
P.S. I have potty training pics that I could post but I don't think any of you should have to see them!